If you are looking for replacement windows for your home, you may want to consider using double-hung windows. Whether you know what they are or not, you have likely seen them. These windows are made of two separate sashes that slide vertically instead of horizontally, giving you the ability to open the window from either the top or the bottom.

While this may be a positive feature for any homeowner, it can be especially beneficial for those with small children or pets. By sliding the top sash of the window down, it is possible to allow fresh air in without worrying about your child or pet climbing or falling out the window. Your child can enjoy the pleasure of looking out the window without you having to worry about their safety.

Double-hung windows are also great for energy savings. You may know that in order for air to circulate, you have to have an inlet and an outlet for the air. Even if your room only has one window, by opening a double-hung window at both the top and the bottom, the warm, stagnant air can leave out the top of the window while the cool, fresh air enters from the bottom. This can cool and freshen the room quickly and efficiently.

These windows are also some of the easiest on the market to keep clean. Not only do these windows have the ability to open at both the top and the bottom, they also tilt in for easy cleaning. This means, even second or third story windows can be easily cleaned from inside your home, without worrying about safety.

No matter what type of window you have had in the past, double-hung windows are almost certainly an upgrade. They add a measure of security for families with small children or pets, provide fresh air (even with limited openings), and are safe and easy to clean. What more could you ask for from a window?

Articles Are Double-Hung Windows Better?