The pleasure of waking up to look out and view the sunrise, to catch a glimpse of a super moon in the sky or in the Northeast to view the first snowfall of the season. These are really is some of small things in life we take for granted. You can get those types of pleasure from the various vantage points in your home from just looking out your home’s windows. But if they are older windows, they might be taking other luxuries away that you might not think about.

Older windows on your house can have many issues that are hindering the peace of mind you want to preserve. American Quality Remodeling wants you to get that peace of mind back with five incentives on why you need to replace your old windows.

Aesthetically Pleasing

Say you are looking to remodel your house; you aren’t going to want to keep those rickety looking windows on your house. You want to get a window that will match the themes you going for and buying new can alleviate that stress of being limited to certain colors, and make your house really look modern.

Emergency Safety

If your old windows do not open/close properly or the lock sticks, and there’s an unfortunate emergency, one of your escape routes just became as dangerous as any other. New windows can make that emergency less of a hassle, with easy open and closing but still with the comfort of a secure lock.

Keeps the Annoying Sounds Out

Ever wanted to sleep on a Saturday morning and couldn’t because your neighbor decided to mow the lawn at 8 o’clock? Newer windows are more soundproof, which allows for you to live inside your house, not have what’s going on outside, be inside.

Longer Lasting

New windows are just made better compared to the ones of the past. Durable, more functional, better seal and easier to clean.


Do you have higher utility bills during the winter or summer? Think of the money you will save as newer windows keep a solid seal in the winter and let in less solar heat through in the summer. Windows can also improve the value of your house as well, so if you have new economical windows, they practically pay for themselves. By implementing new technologies, we are able to preserve your overall utility costs.

These five reasons are just a few that make up the whole picture on why you should replace your old beat-up windows and get brand spanking new ones that will make your home better.

Let American Quality Remodeling be the company to assist you in your new window needs. We are the only company to proudly off the American Premier Window that has all the latest in state of art technology that a window can offer. And with so many windows to choose from we will have the right one to fit your home’s needs. Give a call to one of our great representatives for a free estimate today!

Articles Five Reasons to Replace Your Old Windows